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Editorial: Women’s Lib (What your “boyfriend” doesn’t want you to read)

By Howard Charles Best, March 20, 2006



The propaganda goes something like this: “You can compete with the men in the career job market. Just take birth control pills to put off having children, get a college degree, get a high paying job, and away you go!” What they don’t tell you is that all forms of birth control can potentially destroy a woman’s health. Birth control pills can cause breast cancer (Messing around with a woman’s hormones is just asking for trouble: http://www.mercola.com/2004/oct/27/birth_control.htm). Condoms can cause yeast infections. (Every time that you get an infection, especially if you take anti-biotics to get rid of it, your immune system becomes weaker, your health is impaired, and your longevity is decreased.) They also don’t tell you that having your first child when you’re older is not good for your health or for your baby’s health!

Also, women take birth control pills so that they can enjoy sex life without restriction, but the birth control pills cause them to gain weight, especially as they get older, so the result is that no one wants to have sex with them anyway! Ironic, isn’t it?

Another thing that they don’t tell you is that sex within marriage for the purpose of producing children to be raised in a God conscious environment is much more pleasurable than sex in other situations. According to my wife, it’s “10 times as pleasurable!” Unless there is at least a chance of the woman’s becoming pregnant, the sex act is not very satisfying for either of the partners, and after some time actually becomes boring, especially for the man, who may then be tempted to seek out new, more interesting partners.

Now-a-days, it seems like the only way that a young woman can get a young man to marry her is for her to agree to take birth control pills, have sex with him whenever he wants, work at a full-time 40-hour-a-week job, clean the house, do the cooking, do his laundry, and mend his clothes! If she’s lucky, maybe he’ll help a little with the cooking and cleaning! In order to satisfy his lust, she has to risk ruining her health and becoming unattractive by gaining weight due to the undesirable side effects of the birth control pills. All this because her slimeball so-called husband is unwilling to let a child interfere with his unrestricted sense gratification or with his so-called wife’s bringing home a paycheck! When she becomes fat and ugly, there’s a good chance that he’ll divorce her in favor of a younger, slimmer, more attractive woman. Does this sound like a good deal for the so-called wife? And now women think that they are liberated! Does this sound like something an intelligent woman would agree to?

Proof That Women Are Less Intelligent

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that all women are less intelligent than all men. All that I’m saying is that the average intelligence of men is higher, and that the most intelligent men are much more intelligent than the most intelligent women.

The Internet is known as “the great equalizer” because anyone in the world has an equal opportunity to create a great website, but when it comes to the really, really great websites, such as Amazon™, Yahoo™, Ebay™, Paypal™, Google™, Facebook™, and YouTube™, who created them? Men, mostly white American men! How do the women’s libbers explain this? Try asking anyone, man or woman, about the fact that not one woman has created a billion dollar dot-com business, and they don’t have an answer. The women’s libbers are mysteriously silent on the issue of finding equal opportunities on the Internet. Obviously, they “missed the boat,” were “asleep at the switch,” and the “women’s liberation movement” is never going to live it down!

I’ve noticed that when you walk into a Best Buy™, where the employees are not paid on commission, you will see plenty of female sales people, but if you walk into a Rex™, where the sales people are paid based upon commission, you won’t find even one female employee! Why is that? Could it be that women know that they can’t compete with men on an equal footing? How do the women’s libbers explain this?

The women’s libbers say that women are just as intelligent and capable as men, but if that’s true, then why don’t they ever invent anything really, really significant? Check for yourself. Go down the CNN.COM™ list of the “Top 25 Innovations” and see how many were invented by a woman! Zero! How do the women’s libbers explain this?


1. The Internet

2. Cell phone

3. Personal computers

4. Fiber optics

5. E-mail

6. Commercialized GPS

7. Portable computers

8. Memory storage discs

9. Consumer level digital camera

10. Radio frequency ID tags

11. MEMS

12. DNA fingerprinting

13. Air bags

14. ATM

15. Advanced batteries

16. Hybrid car

17. OLEDs

18. Display panels

19. HDTV

20. Space shuttle

21. Nanotechnology

22. Flash memory

23. Voice mail

24. Modern hearing aids

25. Short Range, High Frequency Radio

Here’s another example that I found on the Internet:

The Greatest Inventions In The Past 1000 Years

1Printing Press1450Johannes Gutenbergallowed literacy to greatly expand
2Electric Light1879Thomas Edisonpowered countless social changes
3Automobile1885Karl Benzincreased personal mobility and freedom
4Telephone1876Alexander Graham Bellspread communication across wide areas
5Radio and Television1895 & 1926Guglielmo Marconi & John Bairdmade the world smaller
6Vaccination1796Edward Jennerprotected people from disease
7Computer1939John Atanasoff, et al.predecessor to the Internet and still more
8Airplane1903Orville and Wilbur Wrightallowed people and products to quickly move across the world
9Gas powered tractor1892John Froelichstarted agricultural mechanization
10Anesthesia1844Horace Wellsprovided a great leap forward for medicine

Content provided by: Larry Gormley, HistoryShots

Source(s): Platt, Richard. Smithsonian Visual Timeline of Inventions. New York, 1994.

Comments: Criteria: Improving the standard of living

None of the above named greatest inventors are women! How do the women’s libbers explain this?

Cooking is supposed to be the domain of women, but I remember my mother telling me that the world’s best chefs are men!

And what about all of the world’s greatest classical music composers both past and present? Hundreds of men, but not one single woman! How do the women’s libbers explain this?

Examples of Successful Women

My wife started having children with me when she was 18 years old, and we’ve never used any kind of birth control. Not even once! Now she has a daughter, a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and two grown sons to protect her when she gets old. She earned three university degrees, including a PhD, after her children were grown, and she travels all over the world as an educational consultant! She says that now she is happier than she’s ever been, and she’s just as skinny now as she was the day I married her!

Another example of a happy, successful woman who got married and started having children when she was very young is my mother’s mother. She had ten children: five girls and five boys! She lived to be 102, and was happy, healthy and alert right up to the very end!


1. The Internet is proof positive that women are not as intelligent as men!

2. The best time for a woman to have a career is after her children are grown. (When women knew their place in society, and their roles as submissive wives, home-makers, and mothers were well defined, they were much more intelligent, happy, and satisfied than today’s career oriented women. Therefore, women, if they are really intelligent, should return to their traditional roles. If they get married and have children when they are young and healthy, then they will be happy and healthy for their entire lives. If a woman gives birth when she is still young, her health and her natural beauty will be enhanced, and she will have a better chance of having children that are healthy/intelligent.)

3. A young woman who’s actually intelligent will not waste her time and her virginity on young men her own age who are not yet ready to settle down, get married, and immediately begin having children. She will look for an older man who is ready, willing and able to get married and to start having children immediately. The best time for a woman to attract a husband who is young, strong, handsome, healthy, wealthy, and intelligent, is when she is young! If she is still a virgin, then this is an important additional bonus. Because of the Internet and websites such as eHarmony.com, finding a highly qualified, highly compatible mate is much easier than it used to be.

4. More good news is that although women can never hope to compete with men on the material platform, and simply become frustrated and unhappy trying to do so, they are completely equal to men on the spiritual platform. This is because we are all, according to the great religions of the world, God’s creations, and in His eyes, we are all His beloved children. We all have an equal opportunity to know Him and to love Him. According to all of these same religions, to know and to love God is the actual goal of life, so what is the problem?

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