| Home | Latest addition: An actual color name, such as “red” or “blue,” is now accepted as “Color code” input. |
Complementary Colors
Color code:
Utility: HTML Color Code Calculations and Conversions
(Tested using IE7, IE8, IE11 and Firefox 25)
1. Try clicking the button above to see examples of how this web page works.
2. Try replacing the color code in the “Color code” text box with your own color code/name, and then click to see the result.
The following is an alphabetical list of the standard HTML color names. One of these names may be entered in the “Color code” text box as an alternative to a decimal/hexadecimal color code:
Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome.
Howard Charles Best ()
| Home | THIS WEB PAGE URL: http://LLBest.com/?P=1s |